Primary Duty

In exemption cases (or lawsuits), a title means nothing.  You can call a janitor a Maintenance Engineer but if his primary duties are sweeping up, he will still be deemed

Continue Reading Exemption Determinations Rely On Actual Duties Performed—What Is The Primary Duty

I have found a very interesting exemption case involving a rather unique job title that also is very instructive in the interpretation of the Highly Compensated Exemption (“HCE”) under the
Continue Reading Organ Procurement Coordinator Found Exempt Under FLSA Highly Compensated Exemption: A Case Study in the HCE

I have defended many claims and lawsuits involving working time, especially travel time.  Employees are continually seeking innovative ways to convert their otherwise non-compensable home-to-work travel into compensable work hours. 
Continue Reading Working Time/Travel Time Case Thrown Out: No Integral Connection to Primary Duty