I am pleased to announce that I will be speaking in an upcoming Strafford live phone/web seminar entitled "DOL’s Latest Wage and Hour Enforcement Priorities" scheduled for Wednesday, October 19, 1:00pm-2:30pm EDT.  You are eligible to attend this seminar at 50% off.  As long as you use the links in this email, the 50% off price will be reflected automatically in your transaction. 

Wage and hour compliance is a top priority for employers as a result of the Department of Labor’s (DOL) increased enforcement efforts. The DOL reports that 78% of businesses are out of compliance with wage and hour laws, exposing employers to liability for unpaid wages, penalties and fees.

The DOL’s Wage and Hour Division has introduced several new policy initiatives designed to combat wage hour violations and issued several employee-friendly interpretive guidance documents and amicus briefs.

Employment counsel must understand the DOL’s current regulatory and enforcement landscape and advise employers of steps to take to minimize liability risks. Comprehensive self-audits and effective corrective measures are essential to avoid compliance errors.

My fellow panelists and I will explain current trends in DOL enforcement and best practices for employment counsel to ensure wage and hour compliance. We will review the areas currently targeted by the DOL, new DOL policy initiatives, and strategies for employers to conduct self-audits and correct errors.

We will offer our perspectives and guidance on these and other critical questions:

  • What areas are currently being targeted by the DOL’s Wage and Hour Division for enforcement?
  • When should employers take the initiative to notify the Department of Labor of compliance errors discovered during self audits?

After our presentations, we will take questions.  I hope you can join us.  Here is the link:
