Beach. Amusement. Sunshine. School is almost out and eager teenagers will soon be knocking on your doors seeking summer employment. If you plan on hiring teenagers this, or any summer, here are a few facts to keep in mind.
N.J.S.A, section 34:2-21.3 prohibits New Jersey minors under 18 years old from working more than 6 consecutive days in a workweek. These minors are also prohibited from working more than 8 hours in a day and more than 40 hours in any given week. A written permission from a parent or guardian is required when hiring a minor of age 14 or 15 to work beyond 7 pm on a summer (period beginning on the last day of the school year and ending on Labor Day) day. With permission from a parent or guardian, a typical workday in the summer for a 14 or 15 year old minor may extend until 9 pm. Minors under 16 may not be legally employed to work in factories according to section 34:2-21.2.
Additionally, section 34:2-21.4 encompasses hourly restrictions on when an employee who is a minor should receive his or her lunch break. Wage and hour laws prohibit minors under the age of 18 from working more than five consecutive hours without, at least, a thirty-minute break.
Need more info? The New Jersey Department of Labor and Workforce Development is a great place to start. Visit: to learn more about employing minors today!
*This post was written by our Law Clerk Dionne N. Julius.