I read an interesting article by Justin Brown and Lisa Schreter of Littler Mendelson about the usage of cryptocurrency as a way of paying employees. As if those of us
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Under Acosta, Maybe DOL Opinion Letters Will Make A Comeback: I Hope So!
I am a big believer in the importance of USDOL Opinion Letters because they show the thinking of the agency and how it interprets various provisions of the Fair Labor…
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Another Judicially Ordered Production of Plaintiff Tax Returns in a FLSA Case: A New Trend?
I recently blogged about the defendants in a FLSA case being able to secure plaintiff tax returns in discovery. Maybe that was the start of a trend. In a New…
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Fox Partner Glenn Grindlinger Cited in Federal Court Memorandum Order
We’re pleased to note that U.S. Magistrate Judge James L. Cott of the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York recently cited a New York Law Journal…
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Federal Court Settles New Jersey Wage Payment Law Statute of Limitations
In an important decision, a New Jersey federal district court has ruled that the statute of limitations for claims under the New Jersey Wage Payment Act is six years, not…
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When Is It Time For A Wage Hour Audit? Answer—Now!
Better safe than sorry is the old adage. Nowhere is this maxim more applicable than for an employer’s compensation practices, especially on issues of classification, working time, and record keeping…
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FLSA Pleading Issue Appealed To Supreme Court
Of late, there have been some favorable decisions for employers on FLSA class action pleading issues. Now, a losing plaintiff is asking the US Supreme Court to reverse this trend…
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New Jersey Combats Pay Inequality
In August 2013, Governor Christie approved an amendment to the New Jersey Law Against Discrimination (“NJLAD”) prohibiting employers from retaliating against employees who request current or former colleagues to provide…
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New Jersey Law Scrutinizes Independent Contractors In Trucking Industry
I have posted numerous times on the crackdown by numerous States of alleged misclassification of individuals as independent contractors. My State, New Jersey, has passed a special law pertaining to misclassification…
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Lack of Accurate Records Does Not Equal Windfall In FLSA Suits
The Eighth Circuit in Carmody v. Kansas City Board of Police Commissioners addressed the standard of proof in a wage and hour case when an employer failed to maintain accurate…
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