Federal Wage & Hour Laws and Policy

I am a big student of the FLSA motor carrier exemption and have handled many such cases.  I often find that a big obstacle for the employer claiming the exemption

Continue Reading Interstate Commerce And The Motor Carrier Exemption: The Doctrine Of Practical Continuity

There are many exemptions under the Fair Labor Standards Act and an interesting one, one that does not get a lot of attention or “play” is the domestic worker exemption. 

Continue Reading What Is A ‘Live-In’ Nanny For The FLSA Domestic Exemption? First Step-She Has To Live In The House

The new salary threshold for exempt employees is coming soon.  The current minimum level is $35,568 per year ($684 per week) and the proposal is to increase it to $55,068

Continue Reading How To Prepare For The New Salary Threshold For The White Collar Exemptions: Be Proactive!

I am always interested in cases that analyze what payments should and should not be included in the regular rate.  These issues are important to employers because their overtime liability/exposure

Continue Reading What Is Included In The Regular Rate For Overtime Calculation? The Ninth Circuit Weighs In

The use of Civil Money Penalties (CMPs) is a major tool in the US Department of Labor (USDOL) arsenal to bring employers into compliance, or to punish them, depending on

Continue Reading USDOL Changes Assessment Procedures For Civil Money Penalties: More Revenue Generation For The Government Or Punishment Of Employers? Or Both?