Highly Compensated Exemption

The new salary threshold for exempt employees is coming soon.  The current minimum level is $35,568 per year ($684 per week) and the proposal is to increase it to $55,068

Continue Reading How To Prepare For The New Salary Threshold For The White Collar Exemptions: Be Proactive!

The US Department of Labor (DOL) may seek again, in 2023, to raise the salary threshold for a person to fit within a Part 541 white-collar exemption.  The agency was

Continue Reading The FLSA Salary Test Is Coming Around Again For Revision: Employers, Watch Out

This is a day I have been waiting for. The Supreme Court has decided to take on a case in which it will decide whether someone earning more than $200,000
Continue Reading Supreme Court Will Decide Whether the Highly Compensated Exemption Applies to $200,000 Per Annum Worker On A Day Rate—I Can’t Wait!