Overtime Issues

I have handled many lunchtime cases, where an employee (or a class) claim that they were not accorded a full thirty-minute lunch and therefore that half-hour (and many others perhaps)

Continue Reading When Employees Voluntarily/Intentionally Cut Their Lunch Breaks Short, Are They Entitled to Compensation?

I always tell clients it is not enough to “merely” comply with the Fair Labor Standards Act on wage-hour issues.  I always tell them that they must comply with State

Continue Reading Compliance With The FLSA Is Not Enough—Be Aware Of State Laws As Well!

“The dog ate my homework” is a common refrain of school children throughout the ages.  Well, there is an adult version of that scenario, such as in this case, where

Continue Reading Company Asserts “Dog Ate My Homework” Theory In Suing Its Payroll Company For Its FLSA Settlement Costs

“I am angry and I don’t know what to do with my anger!”  This is a line from the movie, The Big Chill, one of my favorites.  It also

Continue Reading Automatic Lunch Deduction Policy (Again) At The Center of FLSA Working Time Class Action: Stop The Madness!

In exemption cases (or lawsuits), a title means nothing.  You can call a janitor a Maintenance Engineer but if his primary duties are sweeping up, he will still be deemed

Continue Reading Exemption Determinations Rely On Actual Duties Performed—What Is The Primary Duty

I see yet another class action lawsuit involving preliminary and postliminary activities, such as, in this case, donning-and-duffing clothing.  A group of workers has sued their employer, a steel fabricating

Continue Reading Yet Another Preliminary/Postliminary Class Action: More Of The Same

What employers often miss when calculating proper overtime is that they must include in the regular rate different kinds of supplemental payments that non-exempt people receive.  If they do not

Continue Reading Bonuses Must Be Included In Regular Rate For Non-Exempt Employees: Another Cautionary Tale?