ABC Test

The New Jersey test for independent contractor status under the unemployment laws is already very tough, the very infamous, A-B-C standard.  That is seemingly not enough for this Administration and
Continue Reading Say It Ain’t So!—NJ Moves to Tighten Up Already Strangling A-B-C Test for Independent Contractors

When employers classify individuals as independent contractors, they are not obligated to provide them with certain benefits, as they would statutory employees.  Sometimes, if those individuals are found to not
Continue Reading New Jersey Wage Deduction Class Action Revived by Appellate Division: More Independent Contractor Fallout

There is a tripartite test for independent contractor under the New Jersey Unemployment Compensation statute (and many other States), the so-called “ABC” test.  Under this test, services performed by an
Continue Reading The Unemployment “ABC” Test for Independent Contractor Status: A Mount Everest for Unwary Employers