As we enter summer, many teenagers will be looking for work. I know that New Jersey (and I daresay many, if not all, other States) takes the safety and protection
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NJ Department of Labor
The ABC Test At Issue Before NJ Supreme Court: What Does A “Place of Business” Mean For Unemployment Law
By Fox Rothschild LLP on
Prong B of the New Jersey ABC test for independent contractor status under the unemployment law requires the putative contractor to work outside of all of the “places of business”…
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New Enforcement Powers Given to New Jersey DOL Exercised In Broad Fashion For First Time: The Coming Of The Storm?
By Fox Rothschild LLP on
In July 2019, the New Jersey Legislature amended and expanded the State’s wage-hour laws to give the enforcing agency the power to stop an errant contractor, especially those doing prevailing…
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