A federal judge has conditionally certified a class action which was instituted by a group of production line workers in a turkey processing plant. They claim they are owed compensation
Continue Reading Happy Thanksgiving! Turkey Processing Plant Workers Sue For Overtime
Protective Gear
When Donning and Doffing Necessary Protective Clothing Is Not Compensable
By Fox Rothschild LLP on
A federal judge has dismissed a possible class/collective action concerning an alleged failure by Butterball, the giant poultry company, to pay workers for donning and doffing time. I have written…
Continue Reading When Donning and Doffing Necessary Protective Clothing Is Not Compensable
FLSA Donning and Doffing Class Action Defeated Because of Labor Contract Provision
By Fox Rothschild LLP on
I have posted a few times about Fair Labor Standards Act donning and doffing cases. The general rule is that donning and doffing is compensable if these preliminary and postliminary…
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