My colleague, Ian Gillen, as authored a thoughtful and insightful article on a case that clarifies under New Jersey law when commissions are earned. There is a great deal of confusion over when commissions vest, as attested to by many cases. This case explores the issue of “supplementary incentives” as applies to the generic term “commissions.” The link is attached below:
The Takeaway
I also want to take this chance to bid farewell. i have authored this blog for seventeen years (I thought it had only been ten) and it is gratifying to me to know I have found a loyal readership to whatever extent. I have tried to find interesting, off the track topics when I could and while giving the “management” perspective. I have also harped on why compliance is so important and less costly to employers in the long run. I have tried to keep a sense of humor and not take myself or the column so seriously. I think it’s worked. It has at least for me.