
Of the three white collar exemptions, the administrative exemption is the vaguest and the hardest for an employer to prove.  In an important case, the First Circuit has weighed in

Continue Reading The Murky FLSA Administrative Exemption Gets Clarification From The First Circuit, If Such A Thing Is Possible?

I read an interesting article by Linda Bond Edwards from Rumberger Kirk which addressed the issue of paying employees a “salary” in exempt and non-exempt scenarios.  The article brings up

Continue Reading The Term “Salary” Means Different Things For Different Employee Classifications—A Source Of Confusion For Employers

As is common knowledge, and as I wrote last week, the USDOL has proposed to raise the minimum salary required for exempt status for the Part 541 white collar exemptions

Continue Reading What To Do Before The White Collar FLSA Salary Level Changes-Don’t Be Caught Unaware!

It is always the employer’s burden of proof to prove an exemption under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), but there is controversy over what that evidentiary standard should be. 

Continue Reading What Is The Burden Of Proof For Employers On Exemption Questions: The Fourth Circuit Chimes In

Plaintiff lawyers are always asserting that every single alleged wage hour violation is “willful” so when they start negotiating a settlement (or trying to) they always start from that position

Continue Reading In An FLSA Case, Just Because The Plaintiff Says It’s Willful Does Not Make It So!

For years, the outside sales exemption of the Part 541 white collar exemptions of the FLSA used to be the easiest one for an employer to demonstrate.  For the exemption

Continue Reading Too Much Employer Control Over Outside Salespersons Undermines The Exemption: Should We Be Worried?

The FLSA is very strict concerning proper deductions from exempt employee salaries.  Improper deductions can undermine the exemption for the individual employee and possibly the entire class of exempt employees. 

Continue Reading Improper Deductions From Salary Can Jeopardize Exempt Status But Not If Taken From PTO Time: Great Decision!