joint employer

I have many clients that use staffing/temporary agencies for securing personnel.  The danger lurking in these relationships is that the two entities (staffing company and client) may be found to

Continue Reading Staffing Companies and Their Clients: A Possible Disaster Brewing Because Of Independent Contractor Misclassification

When two entities are a joint employer, or could be deemed as such, they must aggregate the hours worked by employees at each facility in a given week. If those
Continue Reading Joint Employer Doctrine At Issue In Texas FLSA Overtime Class Action: The Warning Signs!

When the DOL audits an employer and finds wages due, the employer, albeit unhappily, then pays the wages and (hopefully) changes its errant ways. There are times when the employer
Continue Reading New Washington State Lien Law Increases Pressure On Employers To Pay Wage Claims: What’s Next?

In FLSA cases, plaintiff lawyers are always looking for a deep pocket and one of the avenues they use towards this “goal” is the joint employer doctrine.  That doctrine allows
Continue Reading FLSA Joint Employer Doctrine At Issue In Health Care Industry Overtime Class Action: A Warning To That Industry!