Fluctuating Work Week

I read an interesting article by Linda Bond Edwards from Rumberger Kirk which addressed the issue of paying employees a “salary” in exempt and non-exempt scenarios.  The article brings up

Continue Reading The Term “Salary” Means Different Things For Different Employee Classifications—A Source Of Confusion For Employers

I always tell clients it is not enough to “merely” comply with the Fair Labor Standards Act on wage-hour issues.  I always tell them that they must comply with State

Continue Reading Compliance With The FLSA Is Not Enough—Be Aware Of State Laws As Well!

The USDOL has been pretty busy lately issuing new rules and interpretations about FLSA issues, including vague, nuanced issues like the inclusion (or not) of bonuses in the regular rate
Continue Reading USDOL Clarifies the Fluctuating Work Week Method of Paying Overtime and Its Relationship to Provision of Bonuses: Keep Those Interpretations Coming!

I have long been a fan of the fluctuating work week (FWW) method of paying overtime to non-exempt salaried employees.  This computation yields a half-time calculation, i.e. a lower calculation
Continue Reading Fluctuating Work Week Calculation of Back Due Overtime Not Allowed by Pennsylvania Supreme Court