Salary Basis

The new salary threshold for exempt employees is coming soon.  The current minimum level is $35,568 per year ($684 per week) and the proposal is to increase it to $55,068

Continue Reading How To Prepare For The New Salary Threshold For The White Collar Exemptions: Be Proactive!

As is common knowledge, and as I wrote last week, the USDOL has proposed to raise the minimum salary required for exempt status for the Part 541 white collar exemptions

Continue Reading What To Do Before The White Collar FLSA Salary Level Changes-Don’t Be Caught Unaware!

The FLSA is very strict concerning proper deductions from exempt employee salaries.  Improper deductions can undermine the exemption for the individual employee and possibly the entire class of exempt employees. 

Continue Reading Improper Deductions From Salary Can Jeopardize Exempt Status But Not If Taken From PTO Time: Great Decision!

Although Spring is almost here, many areas in the country are still being socked with winter storms.  When snowstorms hit and a business closes for the entire or part of

Continue Reading Bad Weather And The FLSA—The Difference Between Exempt And Non-Exempt Workers

The US Department of Labor (DOL) may seek again, in 2023, to raise the salary threshold for a person to fit within a Part 541 white-collar exemption.  The agency was

Continue Reading The FLSA Salary Test Is Coming Around Again For Revision: Employers, Watch Out

This is a day I have been waiting for. The Supreme Court has decided to take on a case in which it will decide whether someone earning more than $200,000
Continue Reading Supreme Court Will Decide Whether the Highly Compensated Exemption Applies to $200,000 Per Annum Worker On A Day Rate—I Can’t Wait!

The issue of the salary test for FLSA exemptions has been explored and analyzed through numerous cases. It is counterintuitive to think that an employee very highly paid for doing
Continue Reading Supreme Court Will Likely Resolve Circuit Split On Highly Paid Workers And The FLSA Salary Test: A Big Deal!

The fundamental premise of being an exempt employee is that the worker is paid by a “salary” as that term is defined in the FLSA regulations. Even paying someone an
Continue Reading Payment Of Day Rate, Regardless Of How High, Even Coupled With A Guarantee, Is Not a FLSA “Salary” As Part 541 Demands