Guess what? Wage suits are increasing. Hardly a surprise. A recent study shows that wage-hour lawsuits were up about 8 percent over last year, which may stem (in part) from
Continue Reading Ho, Hum: The Number of Wage Suits Rises Again.
Off-the-Clock Security Checks
There are some interesting cases going on right now about whether employees who work in electronic retail stores need to be paid for the time they spend waiting to get…
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Xerox Company Pays Employees Millions For A Few Minutes Each Day
Affiliated Computers Services, Inc. (“ACS”), a company owned by Xerox, has agreed to settle a wage and hour dispute with call center employees for $4.5 million. The call center workers…
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FLSA Computer Exemption To Get Revised: A Good Thing For Employers
Doug Weiner and Meg Thering, in the Wage Hour Defense Blog, recently commented on the introduction of the Computer Professionals Update Act in the US Senate on October 20, 2011. …
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The United States Department of Labor Introduces iPhone Application To Track Employees’ Hours and Pay
On May 9, 2011, the United States Department of Labor (“DOL”) announced the launch of an application for the iPhone and iPod Touch that will record the hours worked by…
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The New Year Will Likely Bring More of the Same in the FLSA Class Action Arena
In the November 30, 2010 issue of Employment Law360, Alfred Robinson posits three continuing trends in FLSA litigation: 1) donning and doffing cases; 2) exemption misclassification cases; and, 3) off-the-clock…
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